Follow the strategies to write resonating social media posts

Strategies for writing social media content

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Strategies to write engaging social media posts



Nowadays, everyone has a habit of consuming social media content regularly. But, writing up content for social media platforms is not a piece of cake! You have to work with strict language terms and character limits. So, here you have to work within a limited scope. The major challenge is to create engaging social media content. Also, you have to know about the trending topics. When you create an interesting post, people will notice you and they will like and share your post. 

So, in this blog, you will learn about the strategies to create interesting social media posts. 

Strategies to write engaging social media posts

  • Use the language of your platform

Several social media platforms have several voices and unique identities. For example, LinkedIn is a professional social media platform. There are several CEOs, executives, and managerial-level people on this platform. So, when you create a post for this site, you have to write it in a formal tone, specifically, you can use a semi-formal tone. A semi-formal tone is best for LinkedIn. But when you use Instagram or Facebook, you have to write to drive the Gen-Z and the general public. So, here you can use a simple conversational tone. 

Remember that no matter what platform you’re using, you have to create posts on trending topics. Additionally, you have to use relevant phrases/ terms and include videos, images, or emojis wherever possible. These elements will increase the readability of your content and make it more interesting. 

  • Tell a story

Storytelling is a must for creating a social media post. A good story easily attracts and engages the audience. For example, the blog writing services can create a post about their brand’s history, talk about the life of their employee at the office, how they have overcome obstacles, etc. 

But why emphasize storytelling? It has the power to trigger the emotions and actions of the users. 

When you tell a story to the users, it connects them with a personal touch. So, their brains develop an emotional engagement with your brand. As a result, they remember your brand and memorize things for a long time. 

  • Make your post easy to understand and eye-catching

When you write a social media post, make it simple, short, and informative. You have to avoid technical jargon and other tangled words. As you know, school students and other Gen-Z people are using these social media platforms, and they encounter difficulties due to language and expertise. So, you have to align the standard of your writing with their language proficiency. For example, when you are writing a post related to biology by targeting the students of classes 5 to 7, you can’t create it with the standard of medical students. So, you have to understand your audience’s expertise and language proficiency. Then, craft your content likewise.

 If you’re looking to post on LinkedIn, you can use industry-specific words and that is suitable for this platform. But for the other platforms, you should follow the above-mentioned tricks.

  • Create a clickable and shareable post

You should create the content in such a way that people become interested in clicking, reading, and sharing it. Thus, you should focus on increasing the click-through rate (CTR) of the content for social media. For this, you must follow these tricks –

  • Add links to read a blog or article. Remember that if you add such a link, you should not give too much info in the social media post. 
  • Include relevant and attractive visuals.
  • Give a proper CTA. Say, for example, you can add CTA to subscribe to your newsletter.
  • Tell the people to follow you on the other social media platforms.
  • Moreover, to share your post, not only use the ‘share’ button and options but also concentrate on the mobile-friendliness of your content. If your social media content becomes easily accessible through mobile devices, the shareability will increase.
  • Maintain consistency

Consistency is another key factor in running your posts on social media platforms. Social media platforms continuously update their algorithms, and engagement terms, and include new features, such as Google. So, it’s significant to know the ideal number of posts per day or week on social media platforms. For example, you should post on Instagram within a range of 3-5 times a week. For LinkedIn, the time frame should be 1-2 times per day, 2-3 times per day for Twitter, etc. 

By maintaining these frequencies, you can make your posts instantly visible to the followers and increase engagement. 

But the lifespan of your posts varies from platform to platform. Take the example of Twitter. Here, posts are moving fast. As it’s a news-centric platform, the posts have a short lifespan. That means the more you post, the more you’re likely to be visible on the platform. But if you consider LinkedIn, here the posts have a very long life span. A common reason behind it is that, when someone interacts with your post, the post also becomes visible to their connections. In this way, your posts will be visible through different degrees of connection. As a result, the longevity of your posts will increase. 

So, content writing services should understand these strategies for social media posting. 

  • Apply brand standard

Another important step to creating your social media content is to apply your brand standard. So, you have to ensure that your social media posts are consistent with your brand’s style. Thus, you need to follow these tricks –

  • First, you have to understand what you want to accomplish from social media marketing and why social media is a significant part of your marketing plan.
  • Select the voice for your social media post. Either you have to choose a professional language, or else you should choose a formal language.
  • Identify your audience on social media and know what their interests are. You have to write accordingly.
  • Be careful about the brand elements. Ensure that you have written correct spellings, proprietary information, abbreviations, and more.  
  • Write from the view of readers

When promotional content writing services create social media content about a product, they focus on describing the features. But this is a wrong process. It can’t draw interest from the audience. They don’t want to listen to the product’s features until they find the product helpful to them!

Yes! you have to depict how your product helps them and what are the benefits of using your product. In this way, you can gain their attention.

Thus, you need to consider your users’ views and analyze their pain points. From this point of view, you can create a resonating post on social media. 


Social media content is a great weapon to attract people and improve your content marketing strategies. It’s a significant factor in developing a strong online presence for a brand. Thus, you have to learn about the strategies to create engaging content for social media. 

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